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Models Workshop After Hours Podcast is a miniature and model painting podcast with a heavy dose of crude adult humor. 

Jul 14, 2015

Today we sit down and talk about miniatures, and models like normal while Larry tries to deal with a huge storm in his area. With the launch of Bones 3, you know  the crew is going to be talking about how they are kicking ass while chewing bubble gum (BONE 3 Link). Clint being up the Atlantis Miniatures 28mm Goblins, Orcs, and Trolls Kickstarter that has some amazing, and MASSIVE models (Atlantis Link). Finally we talk about the Ayame Battle Suit Mecha Miniature Kickstarter (Ayame Link).

Sorry the episode got cut short at the end. All of Larry's area tornado alarms went off and he had to go hind in the basement. 

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